
Strategy of the International Forum Palestine Group 

(established 2022)



The International Forum (IF) was established as an anti-imperialist solidarity organization in 1971 as part of the worldwide internationalist and anti-imperialist movement. IF commits to the struggles of the oppressed people. It is therefore, and since its establishment, that IF has organized direct actions of solidarity with the Palestinian people who have been exposed to all forms of oppression by the Israeli colonial settler-state, the Zionist movement and its allies since the arrival of the first Zionist settler by the early 19th century.

Building on the years of experience within IF and in close collaboration with political allies and comrades from the organization, the IF Palestine Group will continue its work.


Political and contextual understanding

The Israeli occupation and colonization of Palestine have had tremendous consequences for the Palestinian people. From Al Nakba in 1948 till today, there are more than six million Palestinian refugees worldwide including the internally displaced. On an ongoing basis, the Palestinian people living in Palestine face systematic annexation of lands, forced displacement as well as oppression and violation of human, civil and political rights. Palestinian refugees outside of Palestine are still denied their right to return to their home and land, stolen by the Israeli occupation, meanwhile Israeli settlements are expanding rapidly in the occupied territories. Since 2007 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been living under an Israeli blockade, a de-facto open air prison, causing high poverty rates and lack of basic resources. In 2020 the UN declared the Gaza Strip unliveable for humans.

The ongoing oppression, dehumanization and occupation of the Palestinians and Palestine is not the consequence of religion nor the function of irrational actions. Rather religion serves as a tool of the Zionist movement and the Zionist movement serves as a tool for Europe and USA to maintain and develop its rational imperialist objectives i.e. geopolitical control and economic power countering Arab unity. From its establishment till today, the Zionist occupation has been at the forefront of US- and European imperialism. Hence the struggle against the Zionist oppressor is not only a struggle for national liberation but as much an anti-imperialist struggle for international social emancipation.


Values and principles

We are committed to justice and dignity for the Palestinian people and their right to fight the occupation. We believe it is our duty to fight oppression and exploitation wherever it ramps and that freedom, autonomy and justice is the right of all people in the world. We want to amplify our voices and resistance against the Israeli occupation and build consistent international solidarity and networks. We will act with determination against the Israeli occupation in cooperation with all those who believe in the same values in order to support the Palestinian people in their struggle and with all necessary means. 


Political line and working principles

  • Israel is an imperialist settler colonial project and the Palestinian people belong to and have the right to all of the historical Palestine.
  • We support Palestinians’ struggle for liberation with equal rights for all regardless of ethnic background or religion.
  • We are committed to fight capitalism and its international manifestation in the form of imperialism because national liberation has to be combined with social justice, economic and political democracy.
  • We are committed to internationalism because the liberation of Palestine is connected to the anti-imperialist struggle in the region and globally. The strength of Israel is possible due to the support they receive from the US, among other imperialist actors.


Tactics and practice methods

  • Create awareness on the Palestinian cause in Denmark and among activists and freedom fighters committed to the global fight for equality, justice, anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism.
  • Act as an alternative voice to the mainstream media, which is rather a tool in the hand of the imperialist powers constantly deceiving the public opinion and favoring the Zionist narrative and the Israeli occupation.
  • Work to strengthen and expand the international movement to boycott, divest and sanction the state of Israel, Israeli companies- and products as well as companies and institutions collaborating with the occupation in all its forms. We work for a full boycott.
  • Boycott the state of Israel and all its products while informing and pushing others to do the same – individuals as well as institutions and companies – financially, technologically, academically, culturally, sportsly, etc. 
  • Provide material support for the struggle and to the victims of oppression.
  • Support the struggle of the political prisoners and educate people on the oppressive mechanisms of political imprisonment and why this is at the core of our struggle. 
  • Act as a bridge of solidarity between the Palestinian people and other oppressed people of the world and with activists and freedom fighters committed to the global fight for equality, justice, anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism.
  • Reject any form of action leading to normalization of the Zionist occupation.


The International Forum Palestine Group, August 2022