The material you find here serves as part of the photo exhibiton “ANOTHER WORLD IS NOW – a historical account of the Zapatistas Then and Now” at Folkets Hus 1st floor. The exhibition runs throughout the summer.
As you walk through the exhibition, you will at a few points meet the sign ♬ which means that there is an audio file for you to listen to while watching the photos. You will find the audio by the QR codes in the exhibition space or via this page.
Audio 1: Zapatista music
Audio 2: International Women’s Gatherings
Full Text: Welcome speech delivered by Comandanta Yesica (2019)
Audio 3: the Sixth Declaration
Excerpt of the Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona
Full Text: The Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona (2005)
Audio 4: La Gira por la Vida
Excerpt of Part One: A Declaration.. Of Life (not yet finished, will be uploaded soon)
Full Text: Part one: A Declaration… Of Life (2021)