Begivenheden er arrangeret Kurdisk Solidaritets Platform, som bl.a. IF Kurdistan deltager i.
Kampen i Kurdistan er lige nu i en kritisk tilstand med øget tyrkisk aggression mod Rojava i Vestkurdistan (Syrien), tyrkiske angreb i Sydkurdistan (Irak) og statsrepression mod kurdere i Iran. Det er et vigtigt tidspunkt for internationale kammerater at involvere sig og udvise solidaritet med den kurdiske kamp. Derfor holder vi i Kurdistan Solidaritetsplatform en række oplæg om situationen i Kurdistan, så vi alle kan få en bedre forståelse for, hvordan det står til, og hvad man kan gøre for at vise solidaritet og støtte.
Denne gang kommer oplægget til at handle om kvindefrigørelsen i Rojava revolutionen og Jineolojî – teorien om kvindefrigørelse. Oplægget starter 19.30 og holdes af den mangeårige Kurdistan-aktivist Latife Güzel.
Fra 17.30 vil der være lækkert folkekøkken lavet af Seve – Kurdisk Kvindeforening, der vil være mulighed for både kød, vegetar og vegansk mad.
Sted: Kapelvej 44 (Nørrebro, KBH)
The struggle in Kurdistan is currently in a critical state with increased Turkish aggression against Rojava in Western Kurdistan (Syria), Turkish attacks in Southern Kurdistan (Iraq) and state repression against Kurds in Iran. It is an important time for international comrades to get involved and show solidarity with the Kurdish struggle. This is why we, the Kurdistan Solidarity Platform, are holding a series of presentations on the situation in Kurdistan, so that we can all better understand the situation and what can be done to show solidarity and support.
The struggle in Kurdistan is currently in a critical state with increased Turkish aggression against Rojava in Western Kurdistan (Syria), Turkish attacks in Southern Kurdistan (Iraq) and state repression against Kurds in Iran. It is an important time for international comrades to get involved and show solidarity with the Kurdish struggle. This is why we, the Kurdistan Solidarity Platform, are holding a series of presentations on the situation in Kurdistan, so that we can all better understand the situation and what can be done to show solidarity and support.
This time the presentation will be about the women’s liberation in the Rojava revolution and Jineolojî – the theory of women’s liberation. The presentation starts 7.30 and are made by the experienced Kurdistan activist Latife Güzel.
From 5.30 there’s going to be delicious community kitchen made by Seve – Kurdish Womensunion. There will be meat, vegetarian and vegan options.
Note: The presentation is in Danish, but we have now found danish-english translation.
Place: Kapelvej 44 (Nørrebro, KBH)