Palæstina Folkekøkken i Folkets Hus med Oplæg

onsdag, 13. oktober, 2021 - KL. 18:00 - 21:00
Folkets Hus, Stengade 50

Come visit Palestine Community Kitchen in Folkets Hus for a delicious meal – in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom and justice. The food is served at 18:00. A meal costs DKK 50. You can pay with both cash and mobile pay. All proceeds goes to Palestinian political prisoners to support their struggle for freedom.

Daoud Ghoul, Palestinian living in Silwan, Jersualem will be visiting us, and we invited him to do a lecture about the latest events taking place in Palestine (Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Gaza). At the lecture he will give his analysis on the current political situation in Palestine. After the lecture there will be room for questions and discussions. This lecture is a part of his tour in Europe, where he is visiting and giving lectures in 10 different cities in Europe incl. Copenhagen. Daoud holds an MA in Jerusalem Studies, he is a social and political activist, and he is wellknown for doing political tours in Jerusalem.

The lecture will be in english Spread the word to friends and others around you!

See you in Folkets Hus!


The Community Kitchen is organized by IF København, contact us if you want to be a part of IF KBH and the community kitchen.