Palæstina Folkekøkken 8. marts @ Internationalist, Revolutionary 8th of March
Folkets Hus, Stengade 50
— English below —
8. MARTS FOLKEKØKKEN – Palæstina Folkekøkken laver mad i forbindelse med demonstrationen “Internationalist, Revolutionary 8th of March”, som ender ved Folkets Hus ca kl 18.30.
Alle er velkommen til at deltage i folkekøkken, uanset om man har deltaget i demonstrationen eller ej.
Mad koster anledningsvis kun 35 kr, og da demonstrationsarrangørerne har sponsoreret omkostningerne, vil alle indtægter gå direkte til international solidaritet – 50 % til Al Awda hospitalet i Gaza og 50 % til Kurdisk Røde Måne, der laver humanitært arbejde i de berørte områder af jordskælv.
Palæstina Folkekøkken er et politisk initiativ med det formål at samle flere om den palæstinensiske frihedskamp og arrangeres af Internationalt Forums Palæstinagruppe.
Vi opfordrer alle at gå på gaden d. 8. marts for kampen for kvinder og andre mennesker med marginaliserede køn.
På tværs af grænser og kampe – styrk den internationale solidaritet!
Se eventet for demonstrationen her:
8. MARCH COMMUNITY KITCHEN – Palestine Community Kitchen is cooking in connection with the demonstration “Internationalist, Revolutionary 8th of March”, which ends at Folkets Hus at about 18.30.
Everyone is welcome to join the community kitchen, whether you participated in the demonstration or not.
For this occasion, food will cost only 35 kr, and as the demonstration organisers have sponsored the costs, all proceeds will go directly to international solidarity – 50% to Al Awda hospital in Gaza and 50% to the Kurdish Red Moon, which does humanitarian work in earthquake-affected areas.
The cafe at FolketsHus will also be open, where you can get warm tea, coffee, and beers.
The Palestine Community Kitchen is a political initiative to rally support for the Palestinian liberation struggle and is organised by the Palestine group of the International Forum.
We call on everyone to take to the streets on March 8 for the struggle of women and other people of marginalized gender.
Across borders and struggles – strengthen international solidarity!
See the event for the demonstration here: