Intro meeting for IF Palestine group (Stop Annekteringen af Palæstina)

onsdag, 24. august, 2022 - KL. 19:00 - 21:00
Solidaritetshuset, Griffenfeldsgade 41, 220 Nørrebro

IF Palestine group is inviting for an open introduction meeting for new activists!

Everyone’s welcome regardless of experience with IF, activism or Palestine. We’ll be happy to introduce you and welcome new people to our political community. For many also a social commmunity!

Our group is corresponding with the International Forum’s overall values and principles and works with larger left-wing activist movements and networks.

Obs. In May 2022 the activist group and solidarity network of ‘Stop Annekteringen af Palæstina’ and IF Palestine decided to merge together into one activist group.

In the below you can read about our political line and working principles. Please read it through and make sure whether you can agree with those before attending the meeting. If you have questions we’ll be happy to explain and emphasize our work and principles.

Some of our main activities currently are:

  • Palestine Community Kitchen
  • Yearly demonstrations and actions
  • Movie screenings, debates and talks
  • SoMe channels, such as ‘Stop Annekteringen af Palæstina’
  • Campaigns for different cases, e.g. Sheikh Jara, political prisoners, Boykot etc.
  • Design of posters, prints, etc.
  • Fundraising

IF Palestine group’s political line and working principles pr July 2022:

Israel is an imperialist settler colonial project and the Palestinian people belong to and have the right to all of the historical Palestine.

We support Palestinians’ struggle for liberation with equal rights for all regardless of ethnic background or religion.

We are committed to fight capitalism and its international manifestation in the form of imperialism because national liberation has to be combined with social justice, economic and political democracy.

We are committed to internationalism because the liberation of Palestine is connected to the anti imperialist struggle in the region and globally. The strength of Israel is possible due to the support they receive from the US, among other imperialist actors.